
Our bags were handled with care, in time. Great service! It’s so nice not to carry all your stuff. Thank you we had a lovely holiday with excellent weather. We had a great time.

Client Feedback

Mickledore was brilliant from start to finish, communication was spot on. The information pack provided was invaluable and the accommodation was lovely. We will definitely be booking again!

Cumbria Way, May 2024
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This was our first trip with Mickledore, and it will NOT be our last. Mickledore offered us a professional service literally every step of the way. Thank you

The Ridgeway, August 2024
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We booked the 7 day Speyside Way (including both spurs) through Mickledore and it was a great time. Mickledore does an amazing job of picking high-quality accommodations. You make this sort of multi-day walk really easy by doing all of the planning for us and your staff are super helpful.

Speyside Way, July 2024
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