Channel Islands

A magnificent clockwise circuit beginning and ending in the island’s vibrant capital, St Helier.

With its rugged cliffs, golden sandy beaches, and crystal-clear waters, Jersey boasts some of the most breathtaking coastal scenery in the British Isles. Located in the Gulf of Saint-Malo off the Normandy coast, Jersey is the most southerly of the Channel Islands, and despite being the largest, covers an area of just 45 square miles, with no point on the island being more than 2 miles from the sea. The Jersey Coastal Path itself is a captivating 50 mile circular walk beginning and ending in the island’s capital, St Helier.

Jersey is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. The island is renowned for its wild flowers, which you’ll find in bloom throughout the season. The sand dunes of Les Quennevais support around 400 species alone. The bluebells and narcissi found on the northern cliffs of the island are an absolute delight, and add to that sea campion, red campion, wild orchids and ox-eye daises, and you have a joyous display of colour along the trail.

The birdlife is remarkably rich for such a small land mass, both in terms of migrating and wintering species. Look out for owls, kestrels, peregrines and marsh harriers, as well as short-toed treecreepers, Dartford warblers and nightjars. Naturally seabirds feature strongly. Expect to see shags, great cormorants and common terns on the islets and stacks, while an array of waders search the beaches and rock pools for food.

Beyond its obvious natural beauty, the Jersey Coastal Path is a gateway to the island’s rich history and cultural heritage. On your journey you’ll encounter castles, churches, ancient monuments and fortifications. These landmarks offer an insight to Jersey’s fascinating past, from its Neolithic roots to its more recent maritime history.

Famed for its glorious sunshine, delicious cuisine, intriguing history and spectacular coastline, the lure of Jersey is irresistible. Lace up your boots, and with the sound of waves crashing against the shore, and a warm sea breeze for company, embark on the truly unforgettable journey that is the Jersey Coastal Path.


5 - 6 nights

Full Route Length

50 miles / 80 km

Average Grade

Easy to Moderate

Why do this walk?

Delightful walking on magnificent cliff and coastal paths.

Enjoy stunning golden sandy beaches and crystal clear waters.

Explore the many rocky tidal islands with their castles, forts and lighthouses.

Stroll through wooded valleys and along quiet country lanes.

Experience an abundance of wildflowers including the beautiful Jersey Orchid.

Enjoy delicious cuisine from street food to Michelin-starred fine dining.

Explore Mont Orgueil Castle, one of the finest examples of a medieval fortress.

Marvel at stunning panoramic views out to Sark, Herm, Guernsey and France.