Leslie Moore (and friends), Australia

Well here we are, back in Oz and I want to give you some feedback re the trip. First of all, an enormous “Thank You” to everyone at Mickledore – you did a fantastic job for us and we were very, very happy with the arrangements made for us. Although we did have rain 6 out of 8 days we loved every minute of the walk and were so proud of ourselves for completing it. The scenery despite the rain was magnificent and the path generally excellent. The middle section was the most exciting although we enjoyed each day and found the Solway end such a contrast to the moors and hills in the middle section. Every day there was something new to enjoy. Your country is truly beautiful and a walkers’ paradise. How excited we were to go through that final arch and know we’d done it. A fellow walker took our group photo and said we were a crazy lot to come so far to walk – needless to say we didn’t agree with him. We understand that such a large group of ladies (9) presented some logistical issues for you and we really appreciate all your efforts. We will certainly contact you again should we be able to walk in the UK again.