Terms & Conditions

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. They contain important information you will need to know before booking.  By accessing or using our website you agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions.

The contract is between Mickledore Travel Limited and each Person booking with us (including the parents or guardian of any person under 18 years of age) (“the Passengers”).

The Person booking the holiday warrants as a fundamental term of the contract that he/she has read and agrees with these terms and conditions and has the authority of each Person named on the confirmation invoice to be bound by them.

A binding contract comes in to place when you pay the full deposit (or where appropriate the full price) and a confirmation invoice is issued.

We cannot accept bookings for any person under the age of 18 unaccompanied by a parent or legal guardian.


Prices are inclusive of VAT. Mickledore Travel reserves the right to alter the published prices of any of the holidays. Prices can go up or down.  You will be advised of the current price of the holiday that you wish to book before any contract is confirmed.

Mickledore Travel reserves the right to correct any errors in its publications or on its websites at any time prior to the price being confirmed at the time of booking.

On very rare occasions a genuine mistake in the price quoted and subsequently confirmed to you for your holiday may have been made. This may only come to light at any point prior to departure, in these circumstances Mickledore Travel is not obliged to honour the original price if a genuine mistake has been made in the pricing of your holiday. In the circumstances you will be asked to meet any additional costs if you wish to go ahead with the holiday. However, should you not wish to meet these additional costs, the holiday will be cancelled and you will receive a full refund.

You can pay for your holiday in Euros, sterling or US, Canadian, or Australian dollars. Please note that only one of these currencies can be used to pay for your entire holiday, we cannot accept part payment in Euros and part payment in sterling or dollars.


Please use the booking form to make your booking. The start date of your holiday is normally the day before the start of your walk or ride, as most holidays start with a night’s accommodation prior to your first day of activity. Please let us know of any requirements you may have, for instance, special diets. We can normally meet your specific requirement and will do our best but we cannot guarantee to do so.

Deposit and Balance Payments

A deposit of 20% is required at the time of booking. The balance of payment must be made in full no later than 8 weeks before the start of the holiday. For bookings made within 8 weeks of the start date, the full holiday price must be paid at the time of booking.  If you do not pay the balance of the holiday price at the prescribed time, Mickledore Travel reserves the right to cancel the booking and apply the cancellation charges set out below.

Your maps, guide books and other information (the Holiday Pack) will be sent to you once we have received your final payment. Delivery outside the UK can take up to 2 weeks by airmail. Please let us know if you are leaving home more than 2 weeks before the start of your holiday. Each booking is entitled to one Holiday Pack.

Payments can be made by credit or debit card (not American Express) or cheque, made payable to Mickledore Travel Ltd.

Consumer Protection

As a member of ABTA, Mickledore Travel has provided a bond to meet the requirements of the Package Travel, Package Holidays, and Package Tours Regulations 1992.

In the event of Mickledore Travel’s insolvency, protection is provided for non-flight packages in the UK excluding prearranged travel to and from your destination.  Packages booked outside the UK are only protected when purchased directly with Mickledore Travel.

In the above circumstances, if you have not yet travelled you may claim a refund, or if you have already travelled you may be able to continue your holiday or claim to be returned to the starting point of your package.


You and everyone in your booking must be fit to travel and be able to undertake the activity booked. Any person with reduced mobility or with other physical or mental disabilities or conditions who may require special treatment or assistance (including anyone who may require the use of a wheelchair) must advise us prior to booking. They may be required to complete a questionnaire and upon receipt of which we will be able to determine if it is safe for them to be on the type of holiday that is being booked. They may also be asked to accept additional Booking Conditions before a confirmation invoice is issued and a contract entered into.

Good navigation and fell walking skills are required on our walking holidays. It is your responsibility to ensure that you and your party members have the appropriate skills, levels of fitness and equipment for the holiday of your choice. If you have any doubts, please get in touch. Some of the routes pass through very isolated areas which can be exposed to serious weather. The responsibility for ensuring the safety of the party rests solely with each party member. You should follow the Country Code, adhere to any warnings and advisory notices along the route and act prudently and sensibly at all times.

Mickledore is not responsible for any losses, damage, death, injuries, or claims whatsoever arising from, connected with, or related to any activities engaged during your holiday. You engage in all such activities at your own risk.

It is understood and agreed that any liability for any death, personal injury, illness, emotional distress, mental suffering or psychological injury to you or loss of or damage to property shall be the sole responsibility of you and every individual member who is on your booking unless Mickledore it’s servants or agents have been negligent in the provision of any services under its contract with you for such service or activity.

We will not be responsible for any improper performance or injury which is wholly attributable to your fault or anyone in your party and or the unforeseen or unavoidable act or omission of a third party unconnected with the provision of the services to be provided and or the unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond Mickledore Travel’s control and or the relevant supplier the consequences of which could not even with all due care have been foreseen or forestalled.


We will always do our best to arrange your accommodation in accordance with our advertising and your booking requirements. However, in some locations the amount and type of accommodation is limited, so occasionally some of the details may have to be altered from those advertised and/or requested. We may have to substitute a twin bedded room for a double room, or move one or more of the overnight stops a few kilometres along the route. This is more likely at busy times, or if the holiday is booked at short notice.  We reserve our right to make such alterations and a variation in the location of overnight stops of up to 5 km is an acceptable modification which will not be considered a major change to your contract and will not entitle you to cancel the holiday or receive a refund.

Unless you inform us otherwise at the time of booking we will assume that twin beds are an acceptable alternative to a double, we will check with you before booking a double instead of twins, and before moving an overnight stop by over 5 km. If these changes are not acceptable, you will receive a full refund.

Occasionally it is not possible to book en suite accommodation for every overnight stop – again this is more likely during peak season or where the booking is made close to the time of departure. Unless you inform us otherwise by stating in your booking form at the time of booking. Where no en suite accommodation can be booked at a particular location; we will book standard accommodation instead. If more than 30%, or 2 nights, whichever is the greater, of the accommodation is not en suite, we will give you the option of cancelling the holiday and receiving a full refund.


In most cases we can arrange off street parking at the beginning or end of your route, usually at the accommodation at which you are booked. There is often a modest charge, which you will pay directly to the Proprietor. Parking is at your own risk and Mickledore Travel accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to any contents or customers cars wherever they may be parked during the course of a holiday.

Luggage Transport

Where luggage transport is booked, we will arrange transport for 1 piece of luggage per person up to a maximum of 18 Kg per bag, unless we advise you otherwise. Overweight bags will incur extra charges which will have to be met by you. Extra bags will incur extra charges.

Taxi Transfers

Where we have booked taxi or minibus transfers for you or members of your party, you will be liable for the fare if you cancel within 48 hours of departure.

Cancellation or Alteration by Mickledore Travel

We reserve the right to modify or cancel any holiday, or arrangement at any time up to eight weeks before departure. In the event of cancellation you will receive a full refund, unless we can offer an alternative that you are happy with. Where we have materially modified the holiday in a way not covered in the accommodation section above, you are entitled to a full refund if the modifications are not acceptable to you. We will not materially modify or cancel the holiday within eight weeks of the date of departure unless compelled to do so because of circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

If you receive a refund of all monies paid to Mickledore Travel due to cancellation or material modification by us, you will not be entitled to any further sum by way of compensation damages or otherwise arising from the cancellation or modification.

Cancellation by Customer

Cancellation of a booking can only be accepted in writing from the person who made the booking. Cancellation charges will be made according to this schedule:

  • Cancellation more than 56 days before the start of your holiday: 20% of the total cost with a minimum of £30.00 per person.
  • Cancellation more than 21 days before the start of your holiday: 50% of the total cost.
  • Cancellation more than 14 days before the start of your holiday: 75% of the total cost.
  • Cancellation 14 days or less before the start of your holiday: 100% of the total cost.

No refund can be given for cancellation on the day the holiday starts or whilst on holiday. Cancellation of any part of the holiday that arises due to health requirements will be subject to the cancellation charges set out above. Cancellation and re-booking for alternative dates will be subject to the cancellation charges set out above.

Alteration by Customer

After acceptance of the booking, if you request an alteration to the confirmed arrangements, where it is possible for us to make these alterations, an amendment fee of £25.00 per person per night, plus any increased charges incurred, will be charged.


It is a condition of booking that you must take out personal holiday insurance to cover illness, injury, personal belongings and cancellation. Please ensure your policy covers mountain walking and/or cycling and its associated risks. It is your responsibility for checking that you and everyone in your booking have the correct level of insurance and we will not be liable for any costs, howsoever arising, in excess of any travel insurance cover purchased.


While taking every care, Mickledore Travel cannot be held responsible for injury or ill health affecting you or a member of your party during your holiday. Except in the case of death and personal injury, any claim against Mickledore Travel, its partners or employees shall be limited to a maximum of the amount paid by the claimant for his/her individual holiday. Mickledore Travel will only be liable for loss or damage caused by negligence or omissions by Mickledore Travel.

Any cost or expense reasonably incurred by Mickledore Travel for or on behalf of you or on behalf of any person in your booking in respect of any form of medical, dental or similar treatment, hotel, transportation, repatriation, damages to fixtures and fittings (including the soiling of soft furnishings including mattresses) or any other expense shall be repayable by you to us irrespective of whether the sum is covered by your travel insurance arrangements.

Force Majeure

If war or terrorist activities, threatened or actual, riots, civil unrest, industrial action, threatened or actual, adverse weather conditions, fire, flood, drought, natural or nuclear disasters, volcanic eruptions, or any other event outside the control of Mickledore Travel delays, curtails, or extends the holiday or compels a change in the holiday arrangements, we cannot accept liability for any resulting loss, damage or expense.

Your Behaviour

If we or any other person in authority is of the reasonable opinion that you are behaving in such a way as to cause or be likely to cause danger or upset to any other person (including our staff or agents) or damage to property, or could be disruptive or is/are suffering from a contagious disease, we will be entitled to terminate your Holiday. You will not be allowed to proceed with your travel arrangements and/or will be required to leave the accommodation or other service and we will have no further responsibility to you. No refunds will be made and we will not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of the termination. You will be responsible for making full payment for any damage or loss caused by you or any member of your Booking Group during your time away. Payment must be made direct at the time to the service supplier concerned, failing which you will be responsible for meeting any claims subsequently made against us (together with our own and the other party’s full costs and expenses including legal costs) as a result of your actions or those of any member of your Booking Group.

Data Protection

Mickledore Travel requires personal information including but without limitation to name, address, gender, citizenship and dietary requirements which may disclose your or any other person in your bookings religious beliefs, any health, medical disability and any other special needs to process the booking effectively.  We may pass this information on to other relevant individuals such as travel agents, hotels, transport providers, security and/or credit verification companies, credit and debit card companies or any governmental or public authorities, either as required by law or regulation or, if required by other such bodies.

Mickledore Travel is entitled to assume that you and all persons in your booking consent to such transfer of information unless you or any other person in your booking objects in writing to Mickledore no later than seven days prior to the start of your holiday.

It is your responsibility to make sure that information which we hold about you is up to date and accurate.

We may transfer or disclose personal information to our professional advisors for the administration of the website and related business or if required to disclose such information by law.

We may use cookies to monitor your use of the website during the time you access it. However, we do not use the information these cookies collect at any point after you have stopped accessing the website.

Any information provided by you in connection with any transaction regarding your credit or debit card numbers, expiry date and billing or delivery address will be used by us to process the transactions. These details will be stored on a secure server and encrypted and may be used by us to facilitate and personalize future transactions with you. Whilst we take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any personal information you disclose online. You accept the inherent security implications of dealing online over the internet and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security unless we have been negligent.


We welcome feedback (both positive and negative) on all aspects of our holidays so we can continue to improve them. If you are unhappy or dissatisfied with the accommodation or any other service provided by Mickledore Travel please telephone us as soon as possible, during your holiday, so that action can be taken to remedy the problem. Any complaint made to Mickledore Travel after the holiday should be made in writing within 15 days of return.

If you do not give us the opportunity to resolve the issue locally during your holiday by reporting it to us and having the issue recorded, then we may not be able to deal positively with any complaint on your return.

We are also Members of ABTA, our membership number is Y5967. We are obliged to maintain a high standard of service to you by ABTA’s Code of Conduct. We can also offer you an arbitration scheme for the resolution of disputes arising out of, or in connection with this contract. The arbitration scheme is arranged by ABTA and administered independently by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR). It provides for a simple and inexpensive method of arbitration on documents alone with restricted liability on you in respect of costs. The scheme does not apply to claims for an amount greater than £5,000 per person. There is also a limit of £25,000 per booking form. Neither does it apply to claims which are solely in respect of physical injury or illness or their consequences. The scheme can however deal with compensation claims which include an element of minor injury or illness subject to a limit of £1,500 on the amount the arbitrator can award per person in respect of this element. Your request for arbitration must be received by ABTA within eighteen months of the date of return from holiday. Outside this time limit arbitration under the Scheme may still be available if we agree, but the ABTA Code does not require such agreement. For injury and illness claims, you can request the ABTA Mediation Procedure and we have the option to agree to mediation. Further information can be found on www.abta.com.

Primacy of English Law

These terms and conditions shall form a contract subject only to English Law and any disputes shall be settled only in the English courts.



Client Feedback

Our 6th holiday with Mickledore. Staff are easy to contact via phone or email. Organisation and information for trip was first class, and accommodation (a mix of small hotels and b&bs) was all attractive, clean, and mindful of walker’s requirements. Couldn’t fault anything.

Great Glen Way, May 2024
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What made the holiday special, and so easy-going, was the meticulous organisation by Mickledore Travel, from the initial booking to the end of the trip. I know it is a cliché, but Mickledore really did exceed our expectations.

Cotswold Way, August 2024
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Your service is awseome. We had the adventure of a lifetime and cant thank you enough! You are the best – Many Thanks!!

Hadrian’s Wall Walk, August 2024
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